
The dream name of a Londoner, the last of his family, who escaped his inward-turning life and created the Dreamworld of Ooth-Narga.  Upon his death, as a tramp floating in the Innsmouth channel, he was honored by the peoples of Ooth-Narga as a god and became king.  He reigned alternately in the rose crystal Palace of Seventy Delights in Celephais and in the turreted cloud-castle of sky-floating Serannin until, ultimately bored with Dreamworld, he tried to create a new English-like world, like the Trevor Tower, "where he was born and where thirteen generations of his forefathers had first seen the light."  He was a friend of Randolph Carter.

[Celephais - H.P.L.]
[The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath - H.P.L.]