. Author:  PALISSY, Bernard.

Title: Le Moyen de devenir Riche, et la Maniere Veritable, par laquelle tous les hommes de la
France pourront apprendre à multiplier & augmenter leurs thresors & possessions.

Publication: Paris: R. Fouet, 1636.

Reference No:   MU-RBL00082

Book Description

A Pioneer Work in Many Fields

8 p.l., 255 pp.; 8 p.l., 526 pp. Thickish 8vo, 19th cent. calf-backed marbled boards. Paris: R.
Fouet, 1636. First collected edition of Palissy's two major books: the La Recepte Véritable (1st
ed.: 1563) and Discours Admirables (1st ed.: 1580); the first editions are very rare and our 1636
edition is extremely uncommon.This is a book full of interest. In Recepte Véritable, "Palissy
discussed a wide variety of topics, including agriculture (for which he proposed better methods
for farming and for the use of fertilizers), geology (in which he touched upon the origin of
salts, springs, precious stones, and rock formations), mines, and forestry. He also suggested
plans for an ideal garden, to be decorated with his earthenware and with biblical
quotations..."The second book, Discours admirables, probably incorporates Palissy's Paris
lectures. It, like the earlier work, deals with an impressive array of subjects: agriculture,
alchemy, botany, ceramics, embalming, engineering, geology, hydrology, medicine, metallurgy,
meteorology, mineralogy, paleontology, philosophy, physics, toxicology, and zoology. The book is
divided into several chapters, the first and longest of which is concerned with water. The others
take up metals and their nature and generation; drugs; ice; different types of salts and their
nature, effects, and methods of generation; characteristics of common and precious stones; clay
and marl; and the potter's art..."Palissy's views on hydrology and paleontology, as expressed in
the Discours, are of particular interest. He was one of the few men of his century to have a
correct notion of the origins of rivers and streams, and he stated it forcefully, denying
categorically that rivers can have any source other than rainfall..."Palissy discussed fossils
extensively...Palissy was probably one of the first men in France to teach natural sciences from
facts, specimens and demonstrations rather than hypotheses."D.S.B., X, pp. 280-81.Fine copy.¤
Adams, The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences, pp. 90, 261, & 446-48. Duveen, p.
446 "A book of great importance in the history of chemistry and science generally"(referring to
the 1st ed. of the Discours). Geikie, The Founders of Geology, pp. 104 & 118. Partington, II, pp.
69-77. Zittel, pp. 18 & 132.

. Author:  Paracelsus (d. i. Philipp Theophrast Bombast v. Hohenheim).

Title: Chirurgische Bücher und Schrifften [...] jetzt aufs New auß den Originalen und Theophrasti
eygenen Handschriffften [...] an tag geben [...].

Publication: Straßburg, Lazarus Zetzners Erben, 1618.

Reference No:   MU-RBL00075

Book Description

4 Teile in 1 Band. (12), 148, (2), 149-329, (2), 330-523, (3), 524-525, 525-748 (statt 795) SS.
(Beigebunden:) Ders., Aureoli [...]. Ebd., 1616. 605-660, (36) (statt 40) SS. Reich illustrierter
Holzschnittitel mit breiter figuralem Rahmen, in rot und schwarz gedruckt. Mit zahlreichen
ornamentalen Initialen und Vignetten in Holzschnitt. Kalbslederband der Zeit mit dreifacher
blindgeprägter Deckelfilette und goldgepr. Rückenschildchen. Folio.

“Dieser chirurgische Band der deutschen Folioausgabe ist ganz anders zu beurtheilen als die
beiden medicinisch-philosophischen Bände: er ist abgesehen von der Gr. Wundarznei ein vollständig
neues Werk, nach Huser’s Handschrift gedruckt und von allergrösstem Werhe für die Kenntniss
Hohenheims, für die er [...] die wichtigste Grundlage bildet” (Sudhoff, S. 464 zur ersten
Straßburger Ausgabe, die in weiten Teilen mit der vorliegenden übereinstimmt). Der schöne
Holzschnittbordüre am Titel erstmals verwendet in der “Aureoli”-Ausgabe von 1603: “in den 4 Ecken
allegor. weibl. Gestalten, oben mit astronomischen, unten mit alchimistischen Attributen; rechts
Virgilius, links Hermes Trismegistus; in der Mitte oben ein Brustbild des Paracelsus
(Vollgesicht, die Hand auf dem Schwertknauf), unten das Haupt der Minerva auf dem Würfel (Signet
Jobin-Zetzner)” (Sudhoff, S. 440). Zum Signet vgl. auch Wendland 270; beim mit “CM”
monogrammierten Zeichner dürfte es sich um den Zürcher Maler und Radierer Christoph Murer (1558-
1614) handeln. - Wohl aufgrund eines Irrtums in Verlag oder Buchbinderei sind zwischen den
inkompletten 4. Teil und den Index (von diesem die ersten 2 Bll. fehlend) die SS. 605-660 von
Zetzners kurz zuvor gedruckter Neuausgabe der Paracelsischen “Aureoli” eingebunden, enthaltend
die “Interpretatio vaticiniorum Lichtenbergii” und den “Fasciculus prognosticationum
astrologicarum” (Prognostikation auf 34 Jahre) (SS. 605/606 großteils abgeschnitten; größere
Fehlstelle auf S. 651 alt ergänzt). Das zweite Blatt mit dem schönen Paracelsusporträt mit
Bibliotheksstempel d. 19. Jhdt.s im breiten weißen Rand. - Sudhoff 302. STC B 1812. Wellcome I,
4812. Krivatsy 8568. Lesky 313. VD17, 3:301630V. Nicht bei Waller und Osler. - Beibindung: VD17,
3:301628Z. Krivatsy 8558.

. Author:  PARACELSUS.

Title: Archidoxa...Zehen Bücher. Item, I. De Tinctura Physicorum. II. Tesaurus Tesaurorum. III.
Manuale. IIII. Occulta Philosophia. Mit allem fleiss uber alle andere Exemplar corrigiert,
ergentzt, und mit newen annotationibus erklärt.

Publication: Strasbourg: C. Müller, 1574.

Reference No:   MU-RBL00076

Book Description

Woodcut printer's device on penultimate leaf. 11 p.l., 492 pp., [2] leaves (the final leaf is
blank). Small 8vo, antique panelled morocco (some browning as is usual), richly blindstamped by
Aquarius. Strasbourg: C. Müller, 1574. A corrected edition (the 1st edition, in Latin and printed
in Cracow: 1569); the first edition in German appeared in 1570 in Basel and there were reprints
in the same year issued in Strasbourg, Cologne, and Munich. The present work established
Paracelsus' reputation as a founder of chemistry, in which he attempted to establish a system of
chemistry, introduced new laboratory methods, and devised new methods for rendering therapeutic
chemical preparations less harmful. The Archidoxa, written in 1525-27, is one of Paracelsus'
principal works and is of equal importance for the history of alchemy and chemistry as for the
history of medicine and pharmacology. "In nontherapeutic chemistry Paracelsus described new
products arising from the combination of metals and devised a method of concentrating alcohol by
freezing out its watery component...In the Archidoxis he grouped chemicals according to their
susceptibility to similar chemical processes...Certainly Paracelsus was the first to devise such
advanced laboratory techniques as the use of detoxification and freezing to concentrated alcohol
and invented new preparations (including those of the ether group and probably tartar emetic); he
was, moreover, the first to attempt to construct a chemical system... "Much has been written
about Paracelsus as an alchemist...'alchemy' meant to him the invention of new and nontoxic
metals for medicinal uses."?D.S.B., X, p. 308. The book also has considerable material on the
magnet and its occult properties. Paracelsus describes a wonderful tincture extracted from the
magnet. ¤ Mottelay, pp. 64-65. Sudhoff 158. Thorndike, V, pp. 625 & 627.

. Author:  PARACELSUS.

Title: Das Büch Paragranum...Darinn die vier Columnae, als da ist, Philosophia, Astronomia,
Alchimia, unnd Virtus, auff welche Theophrasti Medicin fundirt ist, tractirt werden. Item, Von
Aderlassen, Schrepffens und Purgirens rechtem gebrauch.

Publication: Frankfurt: C. Egenolffs, 1565.

Reference No:   MU-RBL00078

Book Description

His Four Pillars of the New Medicine;Paracelsus' "Best-Known Work"

Alles new publicirt, Durch Doctorem Adamum von Bodenstein. Title printed in red & black. 8 p.l.,
175 leaves, 1 blank leaf. 8vo, attractive antique panelled calf (minor staining). Frankfurt: C.
Egenolffs, 1565. First separate edition of "his best-known work, for despite the usual confusion
of detail the outline is simple, the style lively, and his basic teachings are put in a nutshell.
Polemizing [sic] against ignorance and dogmatism, Paracelsus develops the fundamentals of the new
medicine. He answers the renewed charge that he lacks diplomas with a question: 'What makes a
doctor?' On four pillars, he says, rests the whole art of healing: Philosophy (roughly
corresponding to what today is called natural science). Astronomy (in contrast to astrology, this
includes characterology, psycho-somatic dynamics, and psycho-climatology, or that indeterminate
universe of knowledge which, for want of a better names, may be called anthropology, or
psychology). Alchemy (including biochemistry and pharmacology). Virtue (the professional skill of
the doctor, his experience and psychological ability to mobilize the patient's vital
forces)."?Pachter, Paracelsus, p. 188. Preliminary leaves with some relatively minor marginal
repairs, otherwise a very good copy. ¤ Duveen, p. 451. Sudhoff 66.

. Author:  PÉREZ DE VARGAS, Bernardo.

Title: De Re Metalica en el qual se tratan muchos y diversos Secretos del conocimiento de toda
suerte de minerales...

Publication: Cosin, 1569 [colophon: 1568].

Reference No:   MU-RBL00083

Book Description

The First Extensive Book on Mining & Metallurgy in Spanish

Thirteen woodcuts of distillation and assaying apparatus in the text, woodcut printer's devices
on verso of penultimate leaf of preliminaries & on recto of last leaf, & woodcut initials. 20
p.l. (the last blank), 206 leaves, 1 leaf (lacking only the final blank). Small 8vo, modern
morocco (minor light browning), sides ruled in gilt, spine lettered in gilt, a.e.g. Madrid: P.
Cosin, 1569 [colophon: 1568]. First edition of the first extensive book on mining and metallurgy
in Spanish; this is an extremely rare book which was considered important enough to have
justified a French translation in 1743. Pérez de Vargas (ca. 1500-33), a member of an important
family of Madrid, wrote on astronomy, biology, and metallurgy.The present work "was composed of
nine books, varying from five to twenty-five chapters, and contained thirteen illustrations.
Starting from a philosophical discussion of the form and matter of metals, Pérez de Vargas
admitted the possibility of alchemy. The work then proceeded to discuss mining and the smelting
and development of metals and minerals. Diego de Meneses, who had owned and worked mines in the
New World for thirty years, wrote the preface; he recommended the circulation of De re metalica
among the miners of Peru and in other parts of America, where he had observed that much gold and
silver was lost owing to a lack of adequate knowledge concerning refining processes...it was the
first extensive book on metallurgy in Spanish."-D.S.B., X, p. 515.There are descriptions of the
magnet, glass, crystal, gems, tempering steel, engraving on metals, etc.A fine copy of a very
great rarity, preserved in a slipcase.¤ Brunet, V, 1089-"sa grande rareté." Palau 222669.
Partington, II, pp. 65-66. Not in Duveen or Ferguson.

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