Registration Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Miskatonic University's on-line campus is available at no cost to new students. Certain future courses and degree programs will have enrollment fees and tuition costs but that is in the future. New Students are listed through the Student Union. This University exists for your entertainment and edification and has no affiliation or accreditation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To apply for enrollment at Miskatonic University, fill out the following form and submit it by pressing the submit button at the end. If you have made mistakes, you can clear the form to start again. Please note that this form is for enrollment in the on-line campus. For regular enrollment in Miskatonic University, please contact your educational advisor at the school you currently attend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Birthdate (DoB): Born in: Home Address: Street: City: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Phone Number: Personal email: Home web page: Gender: Brief Bio: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACADEMIC INTERESTS Which academic college are you applying to? Academic College: Which academic department are you expecting to major in. Major Academic Department: If Other, what type?: Which academic department are you expecting to minor in. Minor Academic Department: If Other, what type?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Grade school: Grade point average: Favorite subject: High school: Major study: Minor study: Grade point average: Favorite subject: College: Major study: Minor study: Grade point average: College degree & year: Graduate School: Academic Field: Thesis: Degree: Academic achievements: Publications: Awards: Outside interests: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONAL ESSAY Explain your interest in attending Miskatonic University and what academic pursuits you are interested in. What accomplishments do you expect to attain in your career. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR OWN PITCH Oh, yeah, why do you think the selection committee should choose you? What qualities do you have that will enhance campus and academic life at Miskatonic? ------------------------------------------------------------------------